I reminded myself as I got dressed this morning that the sun was shining, it was a new day and a time to rejoice. I also remembered my Haitian friends were probably heading to church and hopefully they were singing praises to our Lord amidst the heartache and trouble that still lies ahead for them. They have a strong faith, but we're all only human and I know the heartbreak can be overwhelming for them at times.
Then, as I'm surfin' and getting my blog fix I find a Compassion blog entry about a little boy who is like a lot of Haitians and believe that the tragedy that struck their country was due to their sins and God's wrath upon them. Yet they continue to praise God and always ask for His forgiveness. You can read that blog HERE. 'Looking Past Haiti's short-term needs.'
How strong and committed they are. Can we claim the same faith? Are you that committed to your Lord? Not to believe that a tragedy is a punishment, but that IF you believed that way to continue to praise, honor and glorify a God you believe brought that punishment upon you? I've heard of people losing their faith or turning from God at tragic times in their life. Loss of a spouse or a child being at the top of the list of why. I have people, even friends, that have confessed their lack of faith on occasion. Wondering how to believe everyday, how certain situations or discussions from others can cause you to question that faith.

My faith stands strong. Everyday. When I'm happy, when I'm sad. When I'm hungry, when I'm mad. When I am overflowing with pride in my children and my husband. When I feel forsaken by friends or angered by acquaintances. He is with me always. He knows and understands those feelings. My faith is so deep and my heart is so full for my Lord that I feel I could accomplish anything in this world. I lean on Him and depend on Him for everything. I sometimes don't even know how to explain it, I just wish everyone could feel the same overwhelming fullness and joy it brings to my life. I wish everyone could know so strong and so deep that they would never doubt it.
Pray for people all around the world that they could know Jesus. That they could have a relationship with Him that is like no other. Pray for the children and people of Haiti to know God's love. Not just a faith to believe in Him but a faith to believe He wants nothing but the best for them.
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,
Plans to PROSPER you and NOT TO HARM you,
plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE."
--Jeremiah 29:11
Plans to PROSPER you and NOT TO HARM you,
plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE."
--Jeremiah 29:11
I know those words are for all God's children. Not just those who can read it in English. But for all those who believe in Him. African, Chinese, Haitian, American.....He has a plan for all our futures.
So nice to meet u! I added the follower thing to my blog, I had taken it off a year ago. I was wondering why people kept saying they couldn't find where to "follow" my blog. Thanks!