So, while surfing my many MANY blogs I love looking for inspiration for a few projects, I stumble upon a FANTASTIC giveaway for a new SILHOUETTE machine! WOWZERS!
What is a Silhouette machine you ask?
Well, surely some of you know what a Cricut machine is? Right? That fancy cutting machine that we all drooled over in the infomercials when we couldn't sleep at 2 a.m. Yes, that one!
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That nasty machine that you apparently had to buy new cartridges to use with it because the ones that were supplied with the machine, well....simply stunk! Not a lot there. And when you discovered that cartridges were anywhere from $25-$75 EACH! It just plain stinks! Gives highway robbery new meaning.
WELL....... this new Silhouette Machine I'm hearing about is the same......only WAY better! ♥
It cuts and does all the fun sewing, craft and scrapbook projects you thought you were going to love about your new Cricut machine,
only it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg in the process! You see, it hooks right up to your computer and you can download just the designs you want for as little as $0.15 each (yep, they're on sale right now...) or you can use the same fonts and images you already have installed in your computer!
YEAH, you read that right..... the fonts you ALREADY HAVE can be cut with this beautiful little machine.
Now, how do I know all of this you ask.....when I don't have one of my own?
Well, that leads me back to my blog addiction, I mean inspiration.
The makers of the Silhouette have lost their minds!
They are giving some of these away!
And on Monday, they are having an insane sale if you don't win one! CRAZY! I can't wait to win one! (hey, dream big right?!)
But if I'm not a lucky winner, you can bet I'll probably be adding to the budget this month, a new must-have necessity for our home. Yes, I call it a necessity to justify splurging on myself from time to time. I imagine all the cool things I can do as gifts and special surprises for others. So, it's a service item. It allows me to serve others more cost effectively. yeah, that sounds great! ;) lol
Okay, so enough chatter..... check out this list of ladies who are hosting these giveaways:
1. HowDoesShe
9. NoBiggie
10. Shanty2Chic
11. The Idea Room
And when you're done surfing all those sites and getting your entries in, check out THIS LINK for the actual Silhouette site to take advantage of their incredible sale going on Monday and all week for Black Friday deals. ♥
Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday with the family. I'll let you in on our festivities tomorrow. But now....... back to contest entries! I'm not finished! LOL =)
P.S. Who wants to buy a slightly used, in excellent condition Cricut machine?

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