Between owning a business and tax time coming and going (that's my biggest headache, because anyone that knows me knows I'm the world's worst bookkeeper!), then Easter came and went, we had two separate revivals we were involved with (one of which was our home church and I was busy like a beaver!), track season hit at school and I'm in charge of getting the concession stand ready at all the home track meets (which I had 4 in less than a week!), a daughter who is a senior that decided at the last minute maybe she'd go to prom after all, so we spent three days dress shopping (when I say shopping it's not a hop in the car drive a few miles to the mall type of thing..... we live 2 hours from any major stores in any direction..... it's a day long event, most of which is spent driving), two graduations to plan and announcements to finish and mail, and oh yeah..... we just hosted a Soles 4 Souls Shoe Drive!!!!!!
I've been a tad bit busy! ;) (I think we can all agree that's an understatement.)
So, I'll share prom pictures and graduation as they come. I already shared pics of my church (that should cover Easter). I'm not a fan of track (just volunteer my time for the kiddos) so there's no pics of runners.
Best thing I can do, is show you just how much stinkin' fun we had at our Shoe Drive this weekend! My girlfriends that co-founded Joint Heirs Adoption Ministry (JHAM) and I sat at our local shoe store on the main street in our little podunk town this weekend (in the pouring rain!) and collected over 650 pairs of shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME is the only word I can think of to describe our day.
We partnered with Soles4Souls who provided collection boxes and flyers to distribute for our 'cause'. They are awesome to work with! The Girl Scouts in your community can become involved to earn merit badges. (we only had one girl scout show up but it was encouraging and fun to remind her she will be the ONLY girl scout in our area with one of the S4S's badges! :) The local shoe store, Brown's Shoe Fit, is a participating business with S4S, and gave each person that donated shoes on Saturday a coupon for $20 off a new pair of shoes! Pretty awesome!
We got our schools involved and the kids at my son's school started collected two weeks prior to the drive. They donated two full boxes of shoes!
Then we also had the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) collect shoes at the middle school and high school in our local town (my kids go to a country school so the pics you see above is the entire 8th grade class my son is in! lol)
It was so much fun to work with the girls all day and we banded shoes together from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Yes, every single pair of those 650+ shoes had to be rubber banded together. But it was interesting to see just what kind of shoes we got!
Yes, shoes of all kinds!!! These had never been worn!!!! (I'm thinkin' that's a good thing!) lol We figured they might have been bowling shoes. It was hard to think of how many hundreds of dollars people spend on shoes...... that they never wear. We had so many people bring shoes that still had tags on them, new soles or were still in boxes. We as American's are so very spoiled (some are blessed....that's a better word huh?) and don't even know it. As we banded all those shoes together we thought of where they might end up. China, Africa, Haiti, Chile, even our own inner city hospitals in Kansas City. I wonder where they will walk next. Knowing my shoes have seen the sandy beaches of Hawaii and now they may walk on the rocky ground of Haiti. One day seeing the sun and having fun, the next day comforting and protecting the feet of a mother who walks miles to bring her child fresh water.
Now that's humbling.
Joy and some of the shoes that people had in boxes. yep, some people actually save the boxes their shoes come in! lol (not me)Now THOSE are some LOUD shoes! ;)
That's little Miss Jia (Joy's daughter from China that she brought home forever last summer), the kids were all a big help actually and it was fun to have them around to 'encourage people to stop and share their shoes with us!
Two of Melinda's cuties! Acel & Meah. Meah came home forever from China last year too! I can't tell you how great it feels to work with these girls and do what we do. Advocating for the orphan and the least of these. And seeing our kids get involved with us is even more of a blessing!
Me, Melinda & Joy
Joy's mom is always our little angel in disguise too and she was kind enough to buy us all lunch. Pizza in the trailer (you didn't expect us to sit in the rain all day did you? ;) Joy's hubby has a racing trailer that we were able to conduct our shoe drive out of.... nice and dry). Thanks for the Pizza Mellanie! But thanks even more for the shoes! :)
Hopefully, we have prevented a lot less of this...
and a lot more of this....
Maybe someday the girls and I can go on one of their distribution trips ourselves and help put all those new shoes on people's feet....
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Hebrews 10:24
Now, at first I'm thinking this was a SWEET deal! A registered mini dachshund, just like we've been looking for FOR MONTHS! How awesome that one just is given to us!?!
Then we discovered just how SPOILED ROTTEN he is.....
Yes, completely and totally ROTTEN I tell ya! When he wouldn't eat after two days I called my friend and ask what his 'routine' was so he would eat. "Ummm.... I forgot to tell you.... I sit in the floor and feed him twice a day....." Silence on my end of the phone... HELLO?! Excuse me?! You hand fed the dog?!
Needless to say, we nipped that in the bud VERY quickly! When he got hungry, he ate. But of course he didn't want us to see that he was capable of doing it on his own so he would grab a bite and hide in the other room to eat it. Ho hovering over the dog dish to feed himself.
She also put gravy or drippings on his food. Did I mention I had to buy a special 'no slip with the rubber grip' food bowl for him because it just upset him when his bowl slid across the floor while he was trying to eat.
Are you getting the idea here? The dog is ROTTEN! And thinks he rules the house. My husband always had dachshunds growing up as his mother loved them so he has a HUGE soft spot for these dogs. Gus is our third ever dachshund now. I don't know if I could handle another one if we ever lose him. Because my husband has never talked baby talk more in the last 26 years than he has in the last few weeks since Gus came to live with us. I'm hoping they both outgrow the 'baby stage' very soon.
Gus believes his place to sleep is in the recliner with my husband or in our bed. Both of which he struggles to jump into at times. But Eric is always more than willing to help him out. Heaven forbid he 'strain' his ugly ears trying to get into the bed.....
Yes, I think he's part rabbit. He looks like the flying nun if any of you are old enough to remember Sally Fields as a teenager. ;o)
Don't get me wrong.... I do love him. But I'm not about to let on like I do! ;o) He's been attached to my hip ever since he came home. If you don't pay close enough attention to him, he'll root his way INTO your lap, no matter what you may be doing, just to get the attention he feels he deserves.
I'm just hoping I can convince him he needs to stay at home when I take that road trip to TN with the girls to deliver shoes! (He's not stayed home alone except while we're gone to church....)

Glad you are back. You have been busy :) Love all the pictures.