Tuesday, December 8, 2009

[ Snow Day! ]

Today was our first official snow day! The boys were up bright and early and Tanner was so anxious to get to the snow. We never did get Taylor out of bed to play, I guess being a teenage girl must really be stressful and wear a person out. Cause she was still sleeping by lunch time. Lazy bum...
I don't know who had more fun playing in the snow, Eric, the boys or the dog! I've seen video clips and youtube clips with bulldogs riding on skateboards etc, but when it really happens to you it is drop dead funny! We laughed so hard at Tater trying to catch the kids on the sled and then jumping on top of them and riding along. He even took a turn by himself but by the time I turned to catch it with my camera he had hopped off again and was chasing the kids. I think we wore him out too.
Our homemade redneck sled is nothing but a good 'ole dumpster lid tied to the four-wheeler. Of course Eric takes it a bit slower with Tanner but it's nothing less than a challenge to see if he can throw Tyler (and Taylor when she plays with us) off. You could hear him scream from time to time... watch out dad!! You almost made me hit the....wood pile, tree, water hydrant, fence, swingset. Most kids would jump off at the first sign of fear but it's a game of chicken with my kids and their dad who will cry uncle first. Eventually Eric wins and the kids are thrown off, mostly from laughing so hard and losing their grip. Either way, it's great fun for me to watch the whole thing. And of course take pictures. :) My favorite time to take pictures outside (besides fall) is in the white fluffy snow! Makes the best reflector of course, but it's just plain fun! Everything seems to pop. Eyes, little red cheeks and bright colored snow suits. (not to mention my husband's favorite hunter orange stocking cap.... ) We're not the most fashion conscious people you'll ever meet. Just rednecks from the country who love snow days. It's nice that dad has a job where he can play hookie with us and have fun just because.
I set my camera up on the woodpile (on a very dry cardboard base thank you), and had the boys take pictures with me. Tanner wanted to work the remote and take some of us so I explained the button. Which of course will not stop clicking if you don't let go of it!!! I think he ended up taking about 150 pics before I realized it wasn't shutting off and ran to stop it. However it records every shutter and won't stop until it has completed the task at hand. I had to shut it off, remove the battery and flash card just to get it to stop. I deleted the 50 plus shots of my butt running to the camera to end the madness. ;o) He doesn't smile until he realizes what he has done and then grins from ear to ear, got too close to the camera for the focus to work and made faces at it laughing hysterically. Ahhhh...... boys.
We all came in to dry off, be lazy and enjoy the rest of the day. Eric is taking his afternoon nap, the boys have been playing games and uploading pictures to facebook and I'm thinking I feel the urge to sew some more. I'm making little girls clothes out the wazoo, some for gifts, some for fundraisers. And I'm lovin' it! So much fun. I set a turkey breast out and think we'll have turkey and mashed potatoes and noodles for supper. Which means the kids and dad will expect homemade bread to go along with it so I better get my hiney in gear and get to cookin' something. I think the boys are headed out to play in the snow again.

There's nothing like a good old fashioned snow day in the country. :o)

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