This post was taken from a blog friend and you never know who might see this through another friend of a friend. Please pass it along, share it with everyone you know. You can tell from the date that it was posted....this sweet boy has 12 days and counting now. Time is running out, but nothing is impossible with God!
December 20, 2010
time is running out...please help!
Twenty days is all this handsome young man has left to find his forever family.
Just. Twenty. Days.
And then--he will never have the opportunity to be adopted again.
Oh my heart. I cannot stand the thought.
Look how sweet he is....

I cannot even imagine being in his situation. Seeing countless "little kids" leave the orphanage with their mom and dad and wondering, wondering, wondering, if his turn will ever come.
Sadly for this young man, time is about to run out. He has waited for such a long time on waiting child lists--but no one has ever said "Yes" to him. Can you imagine being passed over so many times?
Absolutely heartbreaking for any young person.
According to the agency that has his file, apart from a history of Hep B (just like our girls--very easy special need) he is healthy, smart, and a great thirteen year old kid.
Goodness, I just know that his family is out there somewhere. I know someone will go. Why? Because I believe with all my heart that there is a family for every child who waits. They just have not found him yet.
Unfortunately, there's a catch...
He absolutely must be adopted before his fourteenth birthday in February. That means that his family MUST already have a dossier in Ch*na. They must be in the process of adopting another child from this country and are willing to add this boy to their adoption. Or, their dossier is in country and they are waiting on a referral.
One of my favorite lines from the movie, "Faith Like Potatoes" is when Angus Buchan says, "The condition for a miracle is difficulty, however the condition for a great miracle is not difficulty, but impossibility."
God loves to show His glory through seemingly impossible situations.
It's time to stand a trust the Father for a GREAT MIRACLE for this sweet guy. As time ticks by and things become more and more impossible, I ask myself again, "Is anything impossible for the Lord God Almighty?"
I know the answer all too well. So do many of you.
Nothing is impossible! Nothing at all. Not even this.
Please, friends, can you help us to spread the word about this young man? Post him everywhere you possibly can in the hope that his mom and dad will find him soon--before it is too late. Once he turns fourteen he will be considered unavailable for adoption. He will never know what it feels like to be loved and treasured by parents. He will remain in the orphanage until he is sixteen...and then...well, who knows? It is the sad reality of any orphan who ages out of the system. Hopelessness.
Twenty days...that's all we have to get the word out there on the internet. Will you please help? Will you pray with us for the GREAT MIRACLE that he so desperately needs this Christmas? Will you help to spread the word wherever you can?
I so appreciate your help. You guys totally rock.
Let's give him the best Christmas present ever...a family!
If anyone wants more details, reply or leave a comment to this post, or e-mail me at renealynch at and i can put you in touch with the ones you need to talk to regarding this sweet boy!
Just. Twenty. Days.
And then--he will never have the opportunity to be adopted again.
Oh my heart. I cannot stand the thought.
Look how sweet he is....

I cannot even imagine being in his situation. Seeing countless "little kids" leave the orphanage with their mom and dad and wondering, wondering, wondering, if his turn will ever come.
Sadly for this young man, time is about to run out. He has waited for such a long time on waiting child lists--but no one has ever said "Yes" to him. Can you imagine being passed over so many times?
Absolutely heartbreaking for any young person.
According to the agency that has his file, apart from a history of Hep B (just like our girls--very easy special need) he is healthy, smart, and a great thirteen year old kid.
Goodness, I just know that his family is out there somewhere. I know someone will go. Why? Because I believe with all my heart that there is a family for every child who waits. They just have not found him yet.
Unfortunately, there's a catch...
He absolutely must be adopted before his fourteenth birthday in February. That means that his family MUST already have a dossier in Ch*na. They must be in the process of adopting another child from this country and are willing to add this boy to their adoption. Or, their dossier is in country and they are waiting on a referral.
One of my favorite lines from the movie, "Faith Like Potatoes" is when Angus Buchan says, "The condition for a miracle is difficulty, however the condition for a great miracle is not difficulty, but impossibility."
God loves to show His glory through seemingly impossible situations.
It's time to stand a trust the Father for a GREAT MIRACLE for this sweet guy. As time ticks by and things become more and more impossible, I ask myself again, "Is anything impossible for the Lord God Almighty?"
I know the answer all too well. So do many of you.
Nothing is impossible! Nothing at all. Not even this.
Please, friends, can you help us to spread the word about this young man? Post him everywhere you possibly can in the hope that his mom and dad will find him soon--before it is too late. Once he turns fourteen he will be considered unavailable for adoption. He will never know what it feels like to be loved and treasured by parents. He will remain in the orphanage until he is sixteen...and then...well, who knows? It is the sad reality of any orphan who ages out of the system. Hopelessness.
Twenty days...that's all we have to get the word out there on the internet. Will you please help? Will you pray with us for the GREAT MIRACLE that he so desperately needs this Christmas? Will you help to spread the word wherever you can?
I so appreciate your help. You guys totally rock.
Let's give him the best Christmas present ever...a family!
If anyone wants more details, reply or leave a comment to this post, or e-mail me at renealynch at and i can put you in touch with the ones you need to talk to regarding this sweet boy!